
On this site I collect things I am interested about. Head over to my projects to see what I am up to at the moment. If you want to contact me or learn more head over to about me

Most of my time I spend time learning and exploring the intersection between real world decision making, systems and complexity. Tinkering I do in these areas are collected under projects.

Decision making

Understanding the roles of observation, rationality, logic, experience, intuition, tradition in making good (or less bad) decisions in business and personal life.

Key concepts: Heuristics, ergodicity, adaptive decision making, mental models, risk, skin in the game.

Systems and complexity

Conceptual tools for increased understanding of behaviour of systems. Especially complex ones.

Key concepts: Seletion and variability (evolution), positive and balancing feedback loops, goal-seeking systems...

Data analytics & programming

Data analytics, data visualisation and programming are central tools in the work that I do.